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Jeanette 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

十二月二十四日就要回美國了 有兩批讀書會的朋友要說再見 有家人的送別 蘿拉的朋友送她許多禮物 他的日本朋友 也來訪 以前三年級的朋友有來送禮物又跟她玩 222.jpg  


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Laura and I got a free night in EVA hotel in Keelung. This was my first time having a closeup look at this city. My mother's relative had a wedding banquet in this hotel so my brother drove us to Keelung. We ate and then stayed overnight. The mattress was very hard. The room was clean and nice.

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I had a couple of class reunions this year and it came to me that my daugher could meet with her three old friends from the third grade in Taiwan. She was shy and was not very enthusiastic about it at first, but on that Sunday when her three friends came to our house, she was thrilled.

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Jeanette 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


I just cannot believe it that there are Jane Austen Fonts!

Jeanette 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

For the past few months, I had thought my book was to be done once and for all,  but again and again, I  found some errors to be corrected. Just like yesterday, I printed out another version of my Jane Austen's book and I didn't like it at all.

The new cover design was horrible. I found some missing parts in content. So I have to go back to change them.

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這次在台北的餐廳 我就比較輕鬆 除了要花上一個多小時的通車時間 是周日 捷運上擠滿了人 我很慶幸自己很少需要上台北 

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Oz_bw_All.gif  在女兒的學校教唱歌的教學計劃

1. 教唱 2.看影片 3.著色和做紙袋 4. 討論作者 5. 看故事動畫 

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