目前分類:classes (16)
- Dec 26 Mon 2011 04:15
- Dec 20 Tue 2011 15:33
RonRon's Birthday
- Oct 29 Sat 2011 20:37
Over the Rainbow 飛越彩虹 lesson plan
- Oct 21 Fri 2011 07:53
Feeling sick
I have been feeling dizzy for over one week. My tooth ache is still lingering. So I have been seeing docoters.
On Monday night , I went to see a Chinese doctor who did not say anything meaningful to me but gave me some power medicine to take. I decided not to go back anymore. But I will take the medicine. I am giving up seeing Chinese doctor and bone adjusters.
- Oct 19 Wed 2011 13:11
Laura's guita lesson
Laura started her first guita lesson two weeks ago. The lesson was taught by a group of college students for free. Students meet once a week for one hour. I stayed in the classroom two times. I am learning too.
- Sep 29 Thu 2011 17:24
這是我找到的英文網站 來考考你對這本小說的了解 都是選擇題 不妨試一試
- Sep 27 Tue 2011 08:08
周一教唱歌Teaching singing
Today, I invited my sister to go with me to teach at Laura's class. Every Monday morning, the teachers are having a meeting so they need some volunteers to help in the classroom while they are gone.
- Sep 19 Mon 2011 13:32
Jane Austen 電影清單
- Sep 19 Mon 2011 13:24
Jane's home in Bath, UK
- Sep 19 Mon 2011 13:15
如何問候 還有英語與美語有何差別呢 How to Greet someone in Britain
- Sep 18 Sun 2011 17:30
Jane and Bath
I have never been to the UK and Bath. When I was writing about Bath I had to rely on other's experience. Here is one of the articles.
- Sep 18 Sun 2011 17:05
blogs on Bath and Jane Austen
- Sep 18 Sun 2011 16:38
audio pride and prejudice
I am so pleased to know that there is a free version of this novel here.
- Sep 18 Sun 2011 16:22
- Jul 04 Mon 2011 09:37
more writing classes in Taipei 寫作班
- Jul 01 Fri 2011 13:04
Classes 我有興趣的課程
1. 7.12(二)晚間開課!
小小引導寫作班第十期招生 http://blog.roodo.com/smallidea/archives/15862811.html