

Meeting a friend 與老朋友見面

昨天下午與淡水的朋友在我家聊天,她是小學老師, 帶來小五的一些參考書給小女用, 朋友住在對面不遠處的舊式四樓公寓,但是我不知哪一間,兩年前她父親去世,父親也是老師,聽得出她仍十分不捨,與同是單身的哥哥同住的她今年決定買了靠原來住家附近的公寓,聽說對我家這棟大樓也頗為中意,也曾來看過。

我無意間碰到她,就邀請她過來來坐坐,我們從國中這麼多年來,這回可能聊得最多,聊了三小時, 但是也沒有陌生的感覺,好像時間停止了,這是一種奇怪又熟悉的感覺。



When Laura came home from the trip to Taichung, it was after 11 pm. The first thing she asked me was if I missed her and she said she missed me. It was sweet, but I urged her to take a shower and got ready for bed.

We chatted about her trip a bit. I have no doubt she had a lot of fun.

This morning when we both woke up it was after 11 am. I turned on my computer and right away John called me via the Skype, and told me that he got the offer letter from Intel (July4 was a holiday and today’s July 5).

It was great news. However, I wonder why he did not ask for a higher salary. I would have done it if I were sure that the company would hire me. This gives me an idea about my own job searching. I can and will ask for a higher salary.

Anyway, Laura talked to his dad about her trip for a very long time and I was glad to share her enthusiasm. John was very interested in listening to her story. I felt warm-hearted because the love between them was so deep.   

I was fixing breakfast and only talked briefly. I am going to work on my Jane Austen.

Since the blog is not for Laura, so if you want to see some photos of her trip, please go to



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