
<motor bike and scooter in Taiwan>



Daughter is going out on an overnight trip. I am alone, but not lonely. I chatted with you over Skype for over one hour. I am sorry that all I talked about was money or lack of money. I made myself so depressed, so I decided to go out to explore Danshui.  


I get a call from our security guard informing me that I have a package. I wonder who that can be. From you again? Or from my Chinese school? I give the guard a small cake to thank him for letting my friends use the parking space for free on Saturday. He hands me the package and comments that the address is close to President Ma's residence. He is new and quite chatty. (Intrusive, at times) You haven't met him. And guess what? It was actually from Karien. She sent me over 10 DVDs. Some are pictures from her trips, some are movies.

I leave the apartment and start my journey. The sun is out. Although I wear a wide-brimmed hat, I regret that I didn't put on sun-block. It is not too hot today so I haven't turned on the A/C. Quite breezy.


My first stop is to a bike store. There is nobody inside. I have to yell, "Is anyone there?" Then a young man walks out. He has many expensive bikes but I only want an inexpensive girl's bike. He shows me one model from a catalog. How can he expect me to buy a bike just by looking at it on paper? He says he has had a lot of experience judging what model is good for customers. I don't believe that he knows my taste. I ask some questions like how to raise the height of the seat and if I can carry a person on the back rack. He suggests one bike at NT$3650 to me. It is more than I inquired a couple of days in another bike store, their cheaper one was NT3500.

I have to go back to take another look. I wonder if I should buy an electric bike or scooter. The price for electric bike is around 20,000 and the scooter is around 50,000. To me, it all depends on how long I am going to stay here.

You know that I am not an impulsive shopper.


Then I walk to a music school on the second floor. The cost for one 50 minute piano lesson for beginners is NT$700. Students can use the piano for private practice at no other cost. I kind of like it. Maybe I should learn to play too.


I buy two math workbooks for Laura. I browse the whole store but I cannot see anything very interesting. 


I smell the fragrance from a bakery, so I decide to walk inside to check it out. In Taiwan, people start to notice that the fragrance can mean that the bakers add some artificial favor enhancer and thus bad news for our health.

But I am curious, so I go inside anyway. They have chess cake and birthday cakes. Our daughter’s birthday is coming, so I ask if they can deliver it and how much. I will bring Laura to take a look and ask her what she likes.


I am thirsty and tired. I need to sit down. There is an icy place near Sumei's restaurant. I go in and order 4 items. I don't think it is very tasty but my brother likes it here very much. I don't like most food this year and I do not know why.

It just occurs to me that I promised to water Sumer’s plants outside of her restaurant while they are on a trip. Phew! I almost forgot. I feel I am on a mission and are proud of myself. I see the hanging vine that used to belong to me in their restaurant. Should I ask it back for the time I am staying in Taiwan?


I carry five fruits, a loaf of bread, two math workbooks, my own notebook and a large bag walking towards HOME. I am exhausted. Then the guard stops me and hands me a plastic bag. "What is that?" I don't want to take it. "A veggie from your sister," he says.

When I walk into the living room, there is one phone message. "We want to have dinner at a steak house at 5:30 pm. Call me if you have other plans." It is from Cholan. I don't want to go out and it is 4 pm. I call her and she says the veggie is from my mother. I hang up.

I just want to write down what happens today. While I am writing, the phone rings. It is from another friend who wants to drop books to me. I invite her to have afternoon tea with me tomorrow. OK. This is quite a day for me. I hope you will read it before we talk again over Skype. I am writing for you only.  


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