I was using the Internet but it suddenly disconnected. John said it might help to turn the switch off and then on. I tried but it still didn't work. So the conclusion is that it broke. We decided to buy a new one. In the afternnon, we drove to Fry's and John asked some questions to the clerk and bought a cheap one around 40 dollars. He spent one or two hours on installing it. Fortunately it works with the three notebook computers that we have.
It is very nice to have a handy husband. We also decide to celebrate the Valentine's day by going to a British tea house in Campbell. It has been a long time since we had a date. I don't know what to do with our daughter when we go out. It would be nice to find a babysitter or we have to wait until she is older.
4 people in my writing club have turned in their writings. I am still wondering how to proceed with it. Everybody has different needs. I want to start to write my own too. But I am searching for new ideas.
I think I will like my weekly schedule. Monday and Wed for English literature. Thursday for creative writing which I haven't done anything but listening to others. I am glad that I can know more people as a result. Then on Friday I am painting. It is very low-key so I will just take my time.