Yesterday, Chi, one of my classmates from high school, called me at my parents'. We have not seen each other for 30 years, and she said she was organizing a reunion. I have not heard from her before yesterday.
She said there were a number of classmates living in the US. I do hope to meet one or two of them. She will fly to L.A. to have a reunion with some of them in Sept. I was surprised and sad to learn that one friend who also went to junior high with me had passed away, and the other one got divorced and moved to the US. It seemed to be a coincidence that I should get this phone call this year. The memory and image of her came back slightly. My friends from Soochow University are not as interested in meeting this year.
Friends Friends Everywhere
I have been randomly encountering old friends on the street, and there are also the regular college friends who I meet every year. For example, Heidi called me this afternoon and she would like to visit me this Sat.
Then, at my sister's Korean restaurant Laura's old classmate happened to dine there around 9 pm. She would like to visit us on the weekend too. We saw another friend of Laura's two weeks ago when we first arrived, and Laura was invited to a birthday party and got to swim.
I don't have enough time to see my own family members as much as I like. I don't like to squeeze so many meetings into a couple of weeks
Laura loves beef noodle soup
On Wed, We had a late breakfast after 10 am, so Laura was not hungry when it was time to have lunch at my parent's house. My mom urged (actually forced) me to buy some new t-shirts and shorts. To please her, I did go shopping. Then, I took Laura to have a bowl of Beef Noodle soup. I will take a series of photos on beef noodles in the future, and I think it should be fun to keep a record since Laura is such a lover of it. You can see tons of beef noodle shops too. The prices are between NT$80 and 150. I am cooking my own kind of beef noodle soup too.
I finally took Laura to the art class on Wed night. It starts at 7 to 9 pm. I am not used to the night life of Taiwan yet, but it's much cooler and pleasant to go out at night. By the way, I explored the yoga classroom in my neighborhood, but I have to say that I was disappointed. The class was big, up to 27 people in one class. Why is it that everything seems so much slowly paced in the US! I can do yoga at home with my own DVDs. I can be a teacher too.
Seeing Doctors
People who live here cannot understand how lucky they are. They can go to doctors at will. Now that we are insured I took Laura to see an eye doctor. She gave Laura some instructions about eye care, for example, to take a break after reading for 30 minutes and gave us an eye drop which is called Atropine. It will cause Laura to be very sensitve to sun light and she should wear sun glasses.
I guess the next thing is to take her to see a dentist. The copay is NT$150 (US$5), but the doctor only gives you medicine for 3 days, so you need to come back if you need to get more and you need to pay again. Laura's skin is improving using the medicine by the skin doctor. The medicin is Olena, Adapalene.
I have seen a family doctor for my stomach and a dentist. The dentist asked me to stop using my electronic toothbrush. I think it works. My teeth are less sesitive now. It is like a joke that I have been suffering for the past year just because I used the wrong brush.